Manning Great Lakes Permaculture Group
The aim of Manning Great Lakes Permaculture Group is to bring together people with a common interest in permaculture and facilitate knowledge and skill sharing in the Manning and Great Lakes regions of NSW, Australia.
Check out the facebook page for information on events and gatherings.
Great Lakes Seedsavers
On the 3rd Sunday of each month this group meet to share and swap seeds, tour members gardens and share information and knowledge on growing fruit and vegetables in the Great Lakes. New members are always welcome. They are a diverse group of individuals interested in maintaing a healthy sustainable lifestyle within the natural environment. They aim to acheive this by organic gardening, applying permaculture principals, saving heritage seeds, improving the groups knowledge and sharing expertise.
For more information contact Dale on 0402 850 814.
Edible Gardening Calendars are available from for $10 or $12.50 posted to anywhere in Australia
Forster Community Garden
The Forster Community Garden is located in the heart of Forster and is run by volunteeers and horticulturalist Megan Cooke. The garden is unique in that all garden beds are shared amongst the volunteers – unlike other gardens where individuals look after their own plots within a fenced in garden. The benefits of being a volunteer are that you can eat organic produce all year round and it won’t cost you a cent! All garden beds are planted in beautifully decorated half water tanks, therefore allowing access to all members of the community. The garden consists of 20 large garden beds and 20 smaller ones – all to produce vegetables and culinary herbs. Local bush tucker and citrus trees have also been planted. Volunteers meet every Tuesday from 9:00am – 12:00. Come along and meet new people in the community and learn about sustainable gardening practices.
Visit for more information.